If you only use one essential oil, this is it! Lavender (lavandula angustifolia) is the most versatile of all essential oils. Most commonly known for its relaxing effects on the body, therapeutic-grade lavender has been highly regarded for the skin. It may be used to cleanse cuts, bruises and skin irritations. The fragrance is calming, relaxing and balancing – physically and emotionally. Carrying a bottle of lavender around with you is like having your own personal first aid kit, perfume…
5 Reasons to Use Lavender Oil for Your Hair
What is lavender oil? Essential oils are increasingly popular home remedies. Among them, lavender has become a widespread essential oil favorite. Boasting many uses and a heavenly scent, lavender essential oils are made directly from the lavender plant. Using special distilling techniques, the end-product is a highly concentrated extract of lavender’s useful compounds, full of health benefits and more. These include pain relief, migraine relief, air freshening, cleaning, and even hair care perks. Studies suggest it has many advantages for…